My entire family was preparing to have our traditional Christmas lunch at my grandparent’s house - a meal like Thanksgiving on steroids.
My mom and aunts were making food, setting the table, and cleaning dishes. They looked like a trained unit organizing a meal like this for 16 people.
My dad and uncles were visiting my grandpa in the hospital - who had shown signs of a heart attack the prior night.
While the adults were occupied - all the kids were playing in my grandparent’s indoor pool. We kicked, splashed, and laughed - having a blast together.

My grandparent’s pool in Oak Ridge, Tennessee
After a while - my sister and oldest cousins were exhausted and decided to get out.
But a few of my younger cousins and I wanted to stay in the pool. My 3-year-old self had been taking swim lessons and wanted to see how long I could hold my breath underwater. I was confident in my swimming abilities and didn’t think I needed my life jacket.
I submerged myself - and the timer began.
10 seconds.
20 seconds.
30 seconds.
After what seemed like an eternity - something went off in my cousin Patrick’s head.
“Max isn’t holding his breath anymore - he has drowned.”
Patrick then dove underwater and pulled me out from the bottom. The little 3-year-old that my parents and family knew was now unrecognizable.

Baby Max - who was now unrecognizable
My entire body was purple, swollen, and puffy like the Michelin Man and Barney had a baby.
My eyes were open, completely fixated, and bulging out of my head like they were going to explode.
I was anoxic and looked like a monster.
Hearing Patrick’s screams - my mom and aunts rushed from the kitchen to the pool room. They all froze when they saw me - unable to comprehend what they were looking at.
Patrick was right - I was dead.
By God’s luck - my dad and uncles walked through the front door immediately after I drowned. Hearing the screams of the moms and kids - they sprinted to the pool room to find me lifeless on the floor.
My Uncle Joe - a US Navy Captain and Flight Surgeon at NASA - took control of the situation like it was a ship. He ordered my aunts and uncles to take all the kids upstairs to limit any trauma from the situation. My parents called for help as Uncle Joe began to resuscitate me. I was throwing up gallons of water until I finally had a pulse again.
But even though I had my pulse back - I still had no neurological activity.
I couldn’t see.
I couldn’t hear.
I couldn’t talk.
I couldn’t move.
I began to posture - clear signs that I had experienced severe brain damage.

I was both decorticate and decerebrate posturing - clear signs of brain damage
The paramedics quickly arrived to transport me to the Children's Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee. It was a 45-minute drive to the hospital - but this hospital was the best place for making a potential recovery. My mom - who rode with me in the ambulance - was bawling her eyes out during the 45 minutes that felt like a lifetime.
Once we reached the emergency room at Children’s Hospital - the doctors confirmed I was in a coma.
Then - the waiting began.
Each passing minute was slowly carving my family’s hearts out - not knowing what was going to happen to me.
Will my parents lose their youngest child?
Will I be a vegetable if I did make it out of this incident?
Will my family witness the death of a child? Worse - will they witness the death of a loved one on one of the happiest days of the year?
Will this be the end of my story?
After an entire day - my family and I were blessed with a Christmas miracle.
I came out of my coma with very minor brain and body damage - something that was unthinkable.
What’s up y’all.
My name is Maximillian Goswitz - and this is my story.
My drowning was one of my most impactful and defining moments.
Yes - I’m grateful I drowned.
My near-death experience as a toddler taught me so many lessons at such a young age that I will value forever.
The first lesson this accident taught me was about humility and the fragility of life.
Within the blink of an eye - I could have been gone.
As a toddler - this precious gift we call life could have been taken from me as fast as it was given.
I am humbled every day knowing that like everyone else - my day to leave this world will soon come.
Contemplating my drowning and death every day has shaped my mindset to try and live every day like it is my last.
My gratitude has also increased tenfold from drowning.
Every day - I give thanks for being on this beautiful planet.
I give thanks for being able to do the smallest things - things I never should have been able to do. Things many of us often take for granted like moving, eating, drinking, and communicating with no problems.
I give thanks that it wasn’t my time to go yet - and that I have more opportunities to chase my dreams and leave a positive impact before my time comes.
Lastly - this accident taught me there is no such thing as a good or bad situation.
The most important thing is how you frame the situation in your mind - and how you control your response to use any situation to your advantage.
I have been in countless other freak accidents besides my drowning.
I once totaled my car going 80 mph on the highway - and came out of the accident with only a few minor scratches and burns.
​Another time - I crashed into a barbed wire fence while skydiving - which easily could have put me in the hospital. I only suffered a few minor scratches and bruises from this accident (my family and I joke that I’m like a cat with 9 lives).

Car crash - another one of my 9 lives used
While all these accidents seem terrible on the surface - they have been instrumental in helping me learn and develop different aspects of who I am.
I often ask God about my drowning and freak accidents - “why didn’t you take me? You left me here for a purpose, what is it?”
Sadly - answers don’t come that easy - but those who never quit are hard to keep down.
Growing up - I spent a lot of time at my parent’s pediatric clinic - something they found after my older brother was diagnosed with autism.
It was inspiring to see the profound impact the clinic had on the lives of the children, their families, and everyone close to them.
The time I spent at my parent’s clinic taught me how important and rewarding it is to help others and build a solid community.
My obsession has always been trying to be the best version of myself in everything I do.
Working out, eating healthier, achieving better grades, being a better friend - anything that helps me be a better person.
My love for self-development and helping others has led me here to help you.
Life is often confusing - and it can be difficult to know how to become the best possible you.
I hope you can get some insight from my channels to start living your dream life.
And hopefully - when it is your turn to leave this beautiful gift we call life - you can reflect and know that maximized the time you were given.
You will truly mean these words when you say them - something that most never get the chance to experience.
You will tell yourself, “I lived.”
I was born and raised in San Antonio, TX, before moving to Tucson, AZ, to attend the University of Arizona. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems (MIS) in 2021 and a Master of Science in MIS in 2022. I have always loved the mountains - so I moved to beautiful Colorado Springs, CO, after graduation.
I love learning, exercising, and being outdoors. My hobbies include writing, reading, doing gymnastics, hiking, skydiving, riding motorcycles, and traveling.​

If you have any questions, comments, or advice - please fill out the contact form or reach out on social media. I’d love to hear from you!